How to Update Node.js to Latest Version windows, Linux, Ubuntu, OSX

How to Update Node.js to Latest Version windows, Linux, Ubuntu, OSX

In this Post We Will Explain About is How to Update Node.js to Latest Version windows, Linux, Ubuntu, OSX With Example and Demo.Welcome on – Examples, The best For Learn web development Tutorials,Demo with Example! Hi Dear Friends here u can know to upgrade – Upgrading Node.js to latest version Example

In this post we will show you Best way to implement 2 Ways to Update Node Versions on Linux-Based Machines, hear for How to Update Node (Windows/macOS) Using Installers on with Download .we will give you demo,Source Code and examples for implement Step By Step Good Luck!.

1. Update Node Using Node Version Manager

Step #1: Install a C++ Compiler

Simply best practice We Will update our node packages:

apt-get update

The build-essential simple package should already be installed or not, however, We are going still going to some include it in our some more useful command for installation step by step:

apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev

Step #2: Install NVM (Node Version Manager)

curl -o-|bash

OR Wget:

wget -qO-|bash

We will have to simple close and reopen CMD process the terminal first, and then We can check the version of latest NVM using this simple command:

 nvm --version

If We want to check simple npm cmd command out what versions of Node.js are installed on our machine or os, We can use the simple ls option:

nvm ls


–> v6.3.1

To simple way install specific latest version of node.js We can use following simple command:

nvm install #.#.#

We can learn simple nvm which latest version to use in each simple new shell with Like as anvm use #.#.#.

2. Update Node Using a Package Manager

If We don’t like any NVM then We can simply use this official website to Node Package Manager to stable step by step update nodejs. And then Node comes with npm simply pre-installed, So this manager is updated and more some frequently than Node.therefor simple command Run like as a npm –v check version to Display cmd which version We have,And then npm install npm@latest –g simple command to install the newest your system npm update.

$ npm install -g n

NPM Use as well as NPM install the latest official website release:

$ n latest

NPM Use as well as NPM install the latest official website release:

$ n latest

NPM Use as well as NPM install the stable official website release:

$ n stable

Simply execute latest n to install a version of simple node js. If

$ n 0.8.14
$ n 0.8.17

How to Update Node (Windows/macOS) Opeartin System Using Installers

We can easily step by step update nodejs in simple windows os and macOS os It is not that much complex data as any other compare to linux. We can step by step simply go to First of all official download and here page and download simple pre-made installers — .msi for Windows and .pkg available for macOS. here simple official versions download them and simple exe run the installer as well as it will take care some more rest of things. and then It will data automatically some replace NODEJS old version with get new version. The installation step by step process and unbelievably efficient data and understandable.

The Best Way to Install Node.js

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