full stack developer : Today we are going to talk about full stack developer and this is the part within my series of highest paying jobs in software
full stack developer salary : so I went and searched for full stack developer on LinkedIn and I saw that there are 5000 requirements for a full stack developer compare that to software developer and there were 60000 requirement for a software developer.
How to become a full stack web developer?
now if you see this requirement is for fractional to associate-level know why is there only 5,000 requirement in full stack development where is there is a huge requirement in software development.
we are going to look at that but I went ahead and checked the salaries of a full stack developer and that is totally different from a software developer to tell you exactly
what is the difference between the salary of a full stack developer versus a software developer and that difference in the salary should excite you or make you curious why you should make a career in full stack development
so in this article today we are going to look at everything related to full stack development.
Career Path, Salary, Jobs and Comparison with Software Engineer.
we are going to see what is the meaning of full stack development we are going to look at the advantages of becoming a full stack developer.
we are going to check two example I am going to take two examples of a full stack developer what does a full stack developer know and then
finally I am going to discuss the difference in salaries between a full stack developer and a software developer so if you are interested to become a
full stack developer if you are interested in getting the highest paying jobs in software then watch this article till the end because I can guarantee to you that showing it properly on your resume will suddenly change your salary by 2 times to 4 times even though
full stack developer has become very common term today there was a time when I started software development.
we got our first software project and we were just two engineer so when we got the software project.
we were writing code for the frontend so we wrote whatever code was required for the user interface of the software and then we wrote the backend code which was the business process or the code
which was connecting the front in application with the database and we also designed the database what we were doing back then what actually full stack development today the industries using this term as full stack development but in 1997
if you are visual basic programmer or if you are a programmer in Java then you were already doing full stack development but at that point of time we hired one software engineer because our company was growing he was a fresher and we showed him everything
we showed him how to do front end development we showed him how to do back and development we shouldn’t have to work with database after 1 year this Engineer left our company joined a big software development company.
we were just three or four people at that point of time when he joined the company which had 3000 to 4000 employees within that company
after he joined that company came back to meet us after three or four month and at that time he told us that he has become kind of the super coder in his company because
he knows everything he knows how to write frontend code he knows how to write back in code he knows how to work with database as well as he knows how to build application deployed application
he knows end to end software development so his value in this new company immediately went up compared to other engineers in his company so full stack development is nothing but knowing how to write a front and code.
we need to know the front end technologies how to design user interface how to create an application where the user can interact with applications so front end development you need to know the backend development which is the server side code
which take care of all the business process which takes care of handling all the transactions between the database and the frontend and then you need to know how to create a database
how to interact with the database using your code so a full stack developer is a person who knows how to program the browser like you should know JavaScript or jQuery Angular JS react or you ok.
I need to know server side programming languages like PHP or ASP.NET Python or java or maybe node JavaScript to know database for example SQL database for my SQL database on the new popular database is like
mongo DB a person who knows all these programming languages and data bases who can write a code on frontend who can write a code in the back in who can develop a database is a full stack developer and there is a very high value for a full stack developer
and I am going to tell you exactly how much you can earn as a full stack developer but you need to know first what do you mean when somebody should do you need to learn all these front end Technologies no you need to know what is called a software stack.
what is a software stack software stack is a group of software components which work together or group of subsystems
which work together to build a complete application of the sum of the popular software stack are LAMP stack which means you know JavaScript Linux Apache my SQL PHP which is called as the LAMP stack.
if you know the LEMP stack LEMP which means JavaScript Linux Ngix is a similar to it a web server which is similar to Apache you know my SQL or PHP you know the MEAN stack which means you know mongo DB Express JavaScript angular JavaScript node JS or
you know the Django static which stands for Python Django and mySQL so in today’s day you have to pick one stack in which you can become better so that using that that you can become a full stack developer if you keep learning all the different front end technologies.
it is not going to help you learn one frontend Technology really well and then look at the stack and learn the backend backend coding for that same technology and then you learn the database technology which is which can work with this software ok
so you you learn a complete software stack which makes your full stack developer and then your chance of getting a highest paying job in software industry is going to be very high so I am going to talk about two example one is full stack web developer with REACT
and another is full stack web developer with Django so beforeI tell you about full stack web developer with react or full stack web developer withDjango you need to understand that the three front end Technologies
you need to know as any software engineer is HTML CSS and JavaScript you need to know these three Technologies because these technologies are used in any kind of web development.
so all the software stack uses HTML for frontend that means you need to know that really well ok having said that if you are a full stack web developer using REACT then what does it mean it means that on the front inside you know how to work with HTML CSS in JavaScript
as well as REACT is just a set of JavaScript libraries which help in making the front end development faster ok on the server side within react you need to know either Express JavaScript NodeJS or a combination of expression no JavaScript ok
and the back you need to know the MongoDB database not this is also called the MERN stack which stands for mongo DB Express react and node JS this is also called as that stack so when you are becoming a full stack web developer with react using react
you need to learn how you are going to build other single page or multiple page web application you will need to know how we can design responsive web application use react then on the server side
you need to know how you are going to use express or node JS to write the CURD operation stands for create read update and delete operations from the database and you need to know how to handle the RESTful application on the database side you need to know how to work with mongo DB.
how to design a database within mongo DB and how to connect this database using your node JS Express JS with the frontend that your design with react that is what will make you a full stack web developer with react similarly if you are a full stack web developer with Django Django is a Framework
which has been written using a python programming language again Django is a set of library which has both front and cold as well as backend code Idea behind Django is that it is very quick to deliver a software using the Django framework and when you work with Django Framework usingDjango within the for front end Technologies for using the Django Framework for
the server-side coding as well as on the database side Idea using my SQL using SQL light or mongo DB whatever Django can work with these are the two different examples of a full stack developer using either react or Django there are many different software stack and I will list some of the software stack in the description of this article.
so that you can know what are the different software stack under which you can become a full stack web developer know what are the advantages of becoming a full stack web developer why are a lot of new companies and some of the best software companies and product companies focusing on the title of full stack developer for full stack web developer the first advantages of both client side programming and server side programming
which means that you just need one software engineer to handle both sides of coding which makes it easy for software development project advantage is that these programmer in create a prototype rapidly which is a need for most of the software product companies and even services company third is if you are a full stack developer then you can also help other team members who are not full stack developer
if there is somebody who is working on the front inside their stuck with some code they are facing a bug because you are a full stack developer.
you can easily pinpoint the bug and explain it to the frontend developer or the backend developer as required 4th and the biggest advantage is that a full stack developer reduces the cost of the project amount of interaction required for a big project or
a complex project is very high so for companies this is a very important thing which reduces the cost of the project that is the reason they are giving higher salary and similar to the forth point V. Is that it reduces time every explain that is the reason the cost comes down where there is more communication
it’s like too many cooks spoil the broth it is same in software development is there are too many different people working on the same project then it becomes difficult to communicate and deliver any application on time.
So it drastically reduces the time required for development vi. And the best point about the software developer is that this software developers
the full stack developers can switch between front end development and backend development as per requirement it may happen that your hard as a full stack developer but you are working only on backend code or you are hired a full stack developer and you are mostly working on the frontend side
but when there is a need and there is a requirement to switch from front end to back end a full stack developer can do it easily and this is a advantage for the company and finally VII advantage fora full stack developer is that they can adopt to new technology really fast like nowadays there are new technologies which are coming out in using artificial intelligence or machine learning or using Robotics using automation or using let’s say capacity of drones or internet of things all this new technology they required someone a software developer who can understand multiple different ways of using that technology and that of full stack developer can do better because his worked in all areas of software development rights from frontend to backend to deployment to database and everything.
so these are the seven major advantages of becoming a full stack developer because of which companies are ready to pay a very high salary to full stack developer in the beginning of this article
I told you that I did some research on the kind of job as a full stack developer in India your salary can start with double than average salary ok average salary of a software developer in India is 3.2 lacs per annum to 3.5 lacs per annum but
as a full stack developer you can get anywhere between 6 lacs per annum to 7 lakhs per annum
as a beginner as a fresher in the software industry and with some experience3 to 4 years of experience as a full stack developer you can demand a salary upto 21lacs or even 25 lacs per annum this is as per the research which is mentioned on glass to pay scale and various other website
but I have seen software developers with a good experience and full stack development experience who get salary even higher than 25 lacs per annum where as if you are a software developer even after 5 to 6 years of experience the maximum your salary can go is up to 11 lacs per annum
if your independent software engineer so that is the difference between a salary of software engineer versus of full stack developer how much you are interested in stack development.
I don’t know at what level you are as a software engineer but if you want to become a full stack developer then decide one software stack in which you want to become a full stack developer pick that particular software stack
which is related to whatever you are doing at present if you are working in web development then pick a stack according to that if you are working on .NET and Windows programming then pick stack according to that
then you learn everything that is required for front end programming to build user interface to build a nice responsive web application then learn everything that is required to do the backend development you know write a business processes to write function which handle the CURD operation to write function which handle the RESTful API.
so the backend coding learn how to design and develop a database so that you become a full stack developer
and I can guarantee to you that as soon as you become a full stack developer whether it takes one month two month 10 months of one year salary will immediately double or even quadruple within a very short time and
if you want to find out what are the other fields of software in which you can get highest paying jobs then watch this article here because in this article I explain all the different fields of software in which you can get highest paying jobs thank you very much stay focused stay rich.